Why Choose MRI 3 Tesla Scanner
Tesla (T) is the unit of measurement quantifying the strength of a magnetic field. Prior to the 3 Tesla Machine, the high-field standard was 1.5 Tesla. Our scanner generates a magnetic field that is twice the strength of 1.5 Tesla machines and 10 to 15 times the strength of low field or open MRI scanners. The magnetic field produced by our 3T Magnetom Trio MRI System yields exceptional anatomic detail. Thus, if a picture is worth a thousand words, the 3 Tesla MRI is an encyclopedia. The increased image clarity revealed by 3T is particularly beneficial for pathological conditions involving the brain, spine, and musculoskeletal system.
The benefits of the 3T scanner are not confined to Magnetic Resonance Imaging. The increased spatial resolution of the 3T scanner allows for high-quality vascular imaging. Thus, 3 Tesla MR Angiogram studies may often supplant the need for invasive interventional catheter studies.
It is extremely efficient, leading to shorter examination times.
It provides a more pleasant patient experience, since the shorter size of the magnet bore relieves the sense of confinement patients associate with most MRI scanners.
It allows for more sophisticated imaging procedures with more accurate diagnosis.
It lowers the risk of distorted images, thus eliminating the need for repeated scans.