Omega PDS
CT Scan Bones

CT Scan Bones

Omega PDS in Pune offers a variety of medical imaging services, including CT scans for bones. A CT scan of bones is typically used to assess fractures, bone density, or other abnormalities in the skeletal structure. Omega PDS Pune is known for its advanced imaging technology and experienced radiologists, ensuring accurate and reliable results.

A CT (Computed Tomography) scan of the bones is a diagnostic imaging procedure used to get detailed images of the bones. It provides more information than a regular X-ray and is useful for:

  1. Detecting Fractures: Especially useful for complex fractures that may not be clearly visible on standard X-rays.
  2. Bone Density: Evaluating bone density and diagnosing conditions like osteoporosis.
  3. Tumors: Identifying bone tumors or lesions.
  4. Infections: Detecting bone infections (osteomyelitis).
  5. Joint Issues: Assessing conditions in joints, including the spine.


  • The patient lies on a motorized table that slides into a CT scanner, which is a large, tunnel-like machine.
  • X-ray beams rotate around the body to capture images from different angles.
  • A computer processes these images to create cross-sectional slices of the bone, which can be viewed in 3D.


  • Usually, no special preparation is needed for a bone CT scan.
  • You may be asked to remove metal objects like jewelry.
  • Inform the technician if you have any allergies, especially to contrast material, or if there’s a possibility of pregnancy.


  • The scan typically takes about 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the area being examined.

If you’re planning to get this done at Omega PDS in Pune, it’s a good idea to book an appointment in advance.

Call Omega PDS at their contact number to inquire about CT scan availability, schedule an appointment, and ask any initial questions you may have.


Call: 020 24324661, 020 24337313
Whatsapp No: +91 9822793012 (For PDS CT Scan only)

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